A Variety of Uses
Essential oils offer an excellent alternative to
artificial scents often used in products such as
perfumes, cosmetics, air fresheners, cleaning
products, candles, massage oils,* etc.
Pleasant aromas can have a positive impact on
our emotions and wellbeing, with varying scents
having different influences on the body, mind,
and spirit. There is no limit to using aromas to set
the mood; energizing before an important event,
calming to recuperate from a tough day, or serene
to create a peaceful sleep environment.
*For topical use, mix with carrier oil.
Buyer Beware!
According to the Aromatic Plant Research Center, it has been found that an alarming 80% of all essential oils available in the market are adulterated. Adulteration refers to the act of intentionally or unintentionally adding impurities, synthetic compounds, low-quality oils, or other substances to a pure essential-oil product.
Adulterated essential oils can be harmful as they may contain dangerous levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, glyphosate, DDT, PCB, ammonia, hexane, carcinogenic, solvents, or other chemicals, potentially leading to respiratory irritation and other serious health concerns.
Keep It Pure!
Considering their wide range of uses, essential oils
can easily be absorbed via the respiratory tract or
through the skin. Quality and safety standards
are crucial.
All New Roots Herbal essential oils are tested
in our state-of-the-art ISO 17025–accredited
laboratory to ensure they do not contain
additives and are safe from heavy metals,
herbicides, pesticides, solvents, and other
environmental contaminants.